Studio Success Africa
Studio Success Africa was established with focus on providing rich interactive multimedia content for the emerging digital marketplace and main stream television. Its content is tailored for consumers using mobile phones, mean stream media as well as Internet enable devices. Studio success Africa also creates 3-5-minute short films, documentaries and advertise that show customers, investors, press and public the value of your company.
For those intending to use multimedia resources to support learning wherever they are; without the need to attend a specific location at a defined time audio and video can makes it possible to present knowledge in different ways and enables different forms of interaction with learners. Utilizing audio and video to support learning is now more accessible than ever, especially for learners’ in different locations.
Audio and video materials can be used to enhance learning resources by showing real life scenarios, explaining concepts, observing social groups, and acting as triggers for discussion. They are also able to bring experts and viewpoints to the student learning experience and are excellent at bringing subjects ‘to life’ to engage discussion and inspire learning.
Now that the communication landscape has evolved along with technological changes, businesses should also know how to take advantage and how to maximize the opportunities along with these developments. Information that can only be delivered through texts on a traditional print platform, such as newspapers and magazines, information can now be conveyed through audio and video such as short movies, documentaries and advertise. The studio can help you make interactive short movies, documentaries and advertise that can promote your products and services on different multimedia platforms such as radio, television, and online platforms like blogs, websites, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, among others, which are now available and accessible. These multimedia tools and platforms, if used suitably, can help you grow your business.
Leaver’s Plugin
The greatest resource that any country has is in nurturing it’s youth with the approach of relevance to society. Coming from a corporate background, and having interviewed thousands of young people for jobs in Kenya, Uganda, and Ghana, we realize that there is a major gap between School and Relevance. Through our training in the corporate environment, one major feedback we get from our satisfied clients is: “I wish someone would have taught me these things earlier”
Our immediate response is to create a bridge between School and Relevance. The Leavers’ Plugin is one of the Forums we are using towards this end. The Senior 6 Leavers (A Level Graduates) will thus have the benefit of “being taught these things earlier” so that their lives are calibrated early for relevance, greatness, success and Legacy.
Topics to be covered:
- Public Speaking
- Personal Grooming and Branding
- Choices and Decision Making
- Financial Literacy
- Career and Life Planning
Visit the project website for more details: